Cozmic Cats hat drawing by rick clement for the header Cozmic cat logo for header

"Cozmic Cat and His Anti-Gravity Hat" by Rick Clement

Copyright 2012 Rick Clement


Chapter 5

Saving Cozmic Cat

Cozmic Cat Drawing by Artist Rick Clement Eeeeyooo Eeeyoo
"Eeeyoo Eeeyoo stood up tall and
rang out a melodic wave shooting
out into quantum space."

Lucky for Cozmic Cat, Eeeyoo Eeeyoo, the thunder breathing electric guitar dragon was aware that Cozmo was lost in Quantum Space and he had a plan to save the feline genius.

Just like a sailer will throw a lifeline to a man overboard, Eeeyoo Eeeyoo would send out a musical wave that Cozmic Cat would be able to hear and follow all the way back onto the stage. He explained his plan to La, Lala and Lalala. "I will send out a musical wave to guide Cozmic Cat back home. If you will help me," Eeeyoo said to the three fairy sisters, “We will sing along with our guitars and build a musical bridge that will lead Cozmic Cat back to the stage."

Eeeyoo Eeeyoo and the three fairy guitar sisters flew down onto the stage where Cozmic Cat, along with his drum set, had disappeared into thin air. "Here is the door I came through." He said. "This is where the drum set flew off into quantum space with Cozmic Cat aboard." They all stood in the doorway of quantum space time and listened for the sound of Cozmic Cat’s drums.

Soon they heard among a multitude of other sounds, and far out in the distance... tat, tat, tat, tat, boom-bubba-boom-boom. "That is Cozmo’s beat for sure!" Eeeyoo began to tap his claws to the beat. Soon the beat became clearer and the other sounds faded away into the background. Now it was time to send out a signal to Cozmic Cat so that he would be able to find his way home.

Eeeyoo Eeeyoo stood up tall and with all his strength rang out a melodic wave and sent it shooting out into quantum space. The tuneful wave rose and fell dancing though doors and opening windows, chasing the beat from Cozmic Cat’s drums. In no time at all the vibrations from Eeeyoo Eeyoo’s electric guitar were playing with the beat from Cozmo’s drums. The sound waves raced together across fields of shimmering stardust. Musical vibrations danced in waves and played together like puppies in the garden, rolling and wildly jumping up and down, around and around. Biting, twisting, turning and flying, the musical notes rose and fell building a bridge that would bring Cozmic Cat back home.

At the same time that the sound waves were racing through space to save him, Cozmo was starting to feel a little lonely and blue all alone in the Quantum Universe. "What happened to all my new friends? Where has the stage gone?" The feline genius was also feeling down because he had missed several cat naps and a couple of meals. "How long has it been since I have eaten" he thought to himself, as he let out a big yawn. "Some eggs and toast with raspberry jam would really be great right now. And maybe a slice cheese!"

"But where is my kitchen and which way is my home. And my bed. Where’s my bed? I have so many beds and I cannot even find one of them! I have no idea which way to go or how to get there,” he shouted out loud. Just then, as if in answer to his cries, he heard a familiar sound.

It was Eeeyooo Eeeyooo and the Guitar Fairies! He could feel the vibrations from Eeeyoo’s guitar and once again was enchanted by the voices of Lalala and her sisters. "How wonderful" he thought "I can follow the music home!"
