Cozmic Cats hat drawing by rick clement for the header Cozmic cat logo for header

"Cozmic Cat and His Anti-Gravity Hat" by Rick Clement

Copyright 2012 Rick Clement


Chapter 2

A Strange Dream and a New Invention

Cozmic Cat Chasing the hat drawing by artist rick Clement
"Cozmic Cat dreamed that he was
chasing the anti-gravity hat."

While he slept, Cozmic Cat had a strange dream. His anti-gravity hat was misbehaving again and would not stay above his head. Like a bad little puppy that won’t listen, the hat jumped back and forth, around and around, but would not stay above his head. "Come here and stay above my head!" Cozmic Cat demanded. But the hat just would not behave and kept on playing. Of course this was not really that unusual since this is how the hat actually would behave at times, even when he was not dreaming. Cozmo had learned over time that the hat would listen much better if, instead of shouting, he sang it a nice little tune. So he started singing a song in an effort to get the hat to fly back and float above his head where it belonged. Although he sang very nicely (much better in his dreams than he could really sing) the hat still would not listen and began to fly away. This is where Cozmic Cat’s dream gets very strange.

Cozmic Cat Chasing the drumset in his dreams drawing by Rick Clement
"Now he was chasing his drum set
which was flying ahead of him and was
just out of reach."

He continued to dream, on and on, that he was chasing the anti-gravity hat. As he ran faster and faster the hat began to grow larger and larger. The hat was always just out of reach ahead of him. Although the hat was getting larger as it flew ahead of him, he was not getting any closer to catching the hat. Then, strangely, without knowing when it happened or even realizing that something had changed, Cozmic Cat found that he was no longer chasing his anti gravity hat. Now he was chasing his drum set which was flying ahead of him and was just out of reach. Then, when he felt as if he was about to catch the drum set, there was a loud "Crash!" All the symbols on the drum set rang out at once. "Crash, Bang, Boom!" He woke up to the sounds of banging and smashing objects coming from the kitchen.

The three fairy sisters were hungry for more raspberry jam and were trashing the kitchen in an effort to find some more. As Cozmic Cat walked into the kitchen they all greeted him with a big "Hi Cozmo, where’s the raspberry jam!"

"You ate it all this morning." He responded. "But there is a bottle of honey over there if you like." They did indeed like the bottle of honey. They almost liked it as much as they liked raspberry jam and finished off the entire jar in no time at all.

Cozmo then told the three fairy guitar sisters about his strange dream. After listening with all their attention they huddled together and began to whisper to one another. After a few moments they finished whispering, turned around, and looked straight into Cozmic Cats eyes. "We think you should build the anti-gravity drum set you dreamt about" they all said together.

"Of course!" He cried out. "That’s what my dream was all about. I’m going to build an anti-gravity drum set and I’m going to start right now!" Overflowing with excitement the feline genius began work on the anti-gravity drum set! He would play the anti-gravity drum set at his next big show and rise up above the stage with the drum set and wearing his anti-gravity hat. "The crowd is going to go wild!" He thought to himself.

Cozmic Cat got to work right away by reviewing the plans he had already made for the anti-gravity hat. Then he began to speak. "With a few adjustments to the plans that I’ve made for the anti-gravity hat" he told the three fairy guitar sisters, "I will be able to turn my drum set into a flying machine in no time at all." He then began multiplying and dividing numbers while forming all kinds of enormous equations with strange symbols and a few musical notes mixed in. All the while the guitar fairies kept him company singing tunes while playing with the curtains in his laboratory. It didn’t take long before he was finished with the plans and ready to begin building.

"My only problem" Cozmic Cat thought out loud, "is going to be finding the parts I need to build the anti-gravity drum set." Overhearing what Cozmo said, the three fairy sisters all began to shout out at once. "I want to help! I want to help! I want to help!"

"I would love for you to help" responded the feline genius "but my work is very complicated and I do not think you will be able to understand the plans." Flying over to Cozmo’s computer the three guitar fairies began to study his plans. They studied the plans for quite a while and then began speaking with each other quietly. Pointing at the plan they all spoke to Cozmic Cat at once saying, "You made a mistake."

drawing of Guitar Faries By Rick Clement
"They found everything
they needed to build the
anti-gravity drum set."

"What did you say?" Cozmic Cat responded laughing with surprise. "I made a mistake!" He did not believe that anyone could understand his invention. After all, the anti-gravity machine was his great discovery. No one else on the entire earth knew the formula for building an anti-gravity machine. How could these three guitar fairies understand enough to be able to tell him that he had made a mistake? But, when he looked he discovered they were right! "How can you all understand my invention?" He asked them.

"Each of us has a Ph. D." Responded La. "Yes, we are very smart." Said Lala, emphasizing the "very". "And, as you can see we all have wings. So, we know how to fly" responded Lalala. "Sounds great then" Cozmo told them. "I would love for you all to help me build the anti-gravity drum set. Lets start building!" They all got up and began looking for the parts they would need to transform the drum set into an anti-gravity drum set.

Cozmic Cat had five rooms and a barn out back filled with all kinds of machines, monitors, computers, engine parts and musical equipment. Zooming around through all the piles of mechanical and electronic parts, guitar fairies La, Lala and Lalala were able to find everything they needed to build the anti-gravity drum set before it was even dinner time. Once they had everything gathered together they decided it would be best to have dinner, sing a few songs and take a nap before they began building. They would have plenty of time to finish before the big concert on Saturday Night.
