CozmicCat Logo Cozmo and the Three Fairy Guitar Sisters

Cozmic Cat and His Anti Gravity Hat • Copyright 2014 Rick Clement

The Anti-Gravity Hat and the Three Fairy Guitar Sisters

Cozmic Cat put on his anti-gravity hat and began to Fly! He flew over a table and through the kitchen, down the hall, up the stairs into the bedroom and right out the window. Cozmo flew under the moon and the stars and out over the city. Sometimes Cozmo would fly like a butterfly fluttering across the sky. Other times he would shoot out into space like a rocket. “This is spectacular” Cozmo shouted out loud while looking down on the city. Now it was time to head back home, relax and get some practice in on the drums.

One and two and three and four, tat-tat-tat-tat, boom-bubba-boom-boom! Cozmo always enjoyed playing the drums to relax after a long day of experimentation. He had been working on the anti-gravity hat for a number of years. Today was an especially good day because his anti-gravity hat was working quite well. Cozmo was feeling good as he continued to practice a drum roll on the snare.

drawing of Cozmic Cat Drumming Cat By Rick Clement
"Cozmic Cat put on his anti-gravity hat
and began to practice a beat on the drums."

The feline genius had invented the hat because ordinary hats made his ears wiggle. Unlike an ordinary hat that sat on top of his head and made his ears wiggle, the anti-gravity hat floated just above his head and in between his ears. "How wonderful", he thought to himself as he continued to beat on the drums,"a hat that doesn’t make my ears wiggle."

Looking up Cozmo was surprised to see that the hat was swaying back and forth to his drum beat. The hat began to shake and dance. "Wow! This is really something." Thought cozmic cat "My hat is dancing with the beat." A few moments later he heard music coming out of his hat as it danced above his head. "This is strange," he thought to himself. "Music is coming out of my hat?" Cozmic Cat heard three tiny voices singing, "La...LaLa...LaLaLa". Sounds of guitars playing and tiny voices singing grew louder and louder while he continued to beat on the drums.

drawing of Guitar Faries By Rick Clement
"The Anti-Gravity Hat began to shake and
dance above his head."

All of a sudden three guitar fairies flew out from under his hat. Shocked and surprised at what he saw, Cozmic Cat listened as the first guitar fairy began to speak. "Hello. I’m La." Said the first guitar fairy. This was followed quickly by another, "Hello, I’m Lala." From the second. The third guitar fairy then greeted Cozmic Cat, "Hello I’m Lalala."

"We heard you playing the drums and came to sing along." They all said together.

"That sounds great!" Cozmic Cat responded, "My name is Cozmo. Let’s Jam!" Cozmic cat and the three guitar fairy sisters were a perfect musical match. They sang songs together until sunrise and would have kept playing except that Cozmo was getting very hungry and it was past his time for a nap. He was having so much fun playing songs with the guitar fairies that he missed a few naps and at least one or two snacks. It was time for a little siesta. Cozmo invited the guitar fairies to join him for his favorite breakfast, eggs and toast with raspberry jam.

drawing of Guitar Faries By Rick Clement
"All of a sudden three guitar fairies
flew out from under his hat."

The guitar fairies did not care too much for the eggs and toast but they L-O-V-E, loved the raspberry jam. They ate it all including an extra jar that was sitting on the table. After finishing breakfast they were all full and very tired. It had been a long night of music and a big breakfast. Now it was time for a nap.

Cozmic Cat found his favorite spot where the sunlight streamed through the window and warmed a pillow sitting on the floor. He got cozy and invited the fairy sisters to take a nap with him. Each of the fairies found a nice warm spot on top of Cozmic Cat’s furry coat and they all fell asleep together in the sunlight.

drawing of Guitar Faries By Rick Clement
"The three guitar fairy sisters jammed & sang songs
together with Cozmic Cat until sunrise."
drawing of Guitar Faries By Rick Clement
"Cozmo invited the guitar fairies to join him for
a breakfast of eggs & toast with raspberry jam."
drawing of Guitar Faries By Rick Clement
"They all fell asleep together in the sunlight."