Cozmic Cats hat drawing by rick clement for the header Cozmic cat logo for header

"Cozmic Cat and His Anti-Gravity Hat" by Rick Clement

Copyright 2012 Rick Clement


Chapter 3

The Anti-Gravity Drum Set Rises and Strange Things Happen

One and two and three and four, tat-tat-tat-tat, boom-bubba-boom-boom! Cozmic Cat began to beat on the drums. Whirring and spinning the anti-gravity drum set began to rise above the stage. Screaming wildly the crowd jumped up and down as the drum set rose higher into the air. La, Lala and Lalala all began to play and sing along with the beat. Sweet melodies filled the auditorium as the three fairy guitar sisters strummed and sang along with Cozmo’s beat. Listening with delight, the crowd danced to the rhythm and clapped their hands. The drum set continued to rise higher and higher above the stage.

Cozmic cat Birth of Storm Drawing by Rick Clement
"Cozmo had risen almost to the
ceiling when a mini cyclone started
to form beneath the drum set"

Cozmo had risen almost to the ceiling when he heard what sounded like explosions of thunder below him. At first he thought these might be echoes from the bass drum. As the explosions grew louder he realized that these sounds were not echoes from the bass drum. A mini cyclone started to form beneath the drum set and above the stage. The thunder grew louder and louder. Wind started to whip around beneath Cozmic Cat and the drum set began to spin. Flashing out from under the drums, boltz of lightning crashed against the symbols and the snare nearly missing Cozmic Cat. The drum set was now spinning faster and faster as the mini cyclone raged with a thunderous roar. Cozmic Cat heard a screeching electric guitar ringing out loudly from within the storm below him.

Suddenly, "Swoooosh", out from under the drum set flew a giant thunder breathing electric guitar dragon! Spewing boltz of lighting while thundering along with the drum beat, the giant electric guitar dragon circled the stage. When the crowd saw the dragon fly out from under the drum set they thought it was part of the show and began to shout and scream out loud.
La, Lala and Lalala were delighted to see that it was their friend from the Jamlands. "Look" they all shouted out together, "it’s Eeeyoo Eeeyoo the Thunder Breathing Electric Guitar Dragon."

Cozmi Cat Eeeyooo Eeeyooo drawing by artist ick Clement
"Suddenly, out from under the drum set
flew a thunder breathing electric guitar dragon!"

Cozmic Cat was completely surprised. He never expected that a giant thunder breathing electric guitar dragon would fly out from under his drum set. Shocked as he was, the music was great and Cozmo continued to beat on the drums enjoying the music. Soon, however, things began to get out of control. The quantum storm was causing the anti-gravity drum set to spin even faster and now the entire stage was also beginning to spin.

Many spectators from the crowd who were holding onto the stage began to scream as the stage lifted into the air. Spinning and spinning, faster and faster, the entire stage and everyone holding onto it were suddenly sucked into quantum space. This was a very dangerous situation for the people hanging onto the stage. They were now spinning wildly out of control barely able to hang on to the stage. If they were to let go they would be lost in quantum space forever.

Cozmic Cat Drawing Out of Control By Artist Rick Clement
"Many spectators from the crowd
who were holding onto the stage
began to scream as the stage lifted,
Spinning and spinning into the air."

Guitar fairies La, Lala and Lalala all knew what a dangerous situation this was. "Don’t let go!" They shouted out loudly, encouraging everyone to hang on. "We are going to bring you back to earth." The people held on as the wind whipped through their hair. They all clenched on to the edge of the stage as strongly as possible.

Singing a song of enchantment to calm the storm, the three fairy sisters began to circle the stage in the opposite direction from which the stage was spinning. Knowledge of quantum space flight dynamics, along with magical musical powers enabled the guitar fairies to safely guide the stage back to the earth. They had saved all the people who were hanging onto the stage from being lost in Quantum Space.

Only Cozmic Cat was lost. He was now racing across the universe, riding on his drum set like a surfer rides his board across the ocean waves. The three fairy sisters were happy to have been able to save the people from the crowd however they were all concerned about there new friend Cozmic Cat. "Oh no" they all cried out together. "How are we going to save our friend Cozmic Cat?

We better go talk to Eeeyoo Eeeyoo and see if he can help”. Lalala then flew as fast as she could towards the great guitar dragon shouting out his name, "Eeeyoo Eeeyooooo." When Eeeyoo Eeeyoo heard Lalala shouting out his name he turned to greet her. "Hi Lalala." He responded. "Nice day to jam."

Cozmic Cat Drawing Save the Day by Artist Rick Clement
"Singing a song of enchantment to calm the storm,
the three fairy sisters began to circle the stage"

Of course, everyday was a nice day to sing and play for the great guitar dragon. Eeeyoo Eeeyoo was from a different universe called the Jamlands. In the Jamlands he spent his days thundering through the sky, jamming on his electric guitar and spewing boltz of lightning above the crowds.

In the Jamlands where he was outdoors and flew high above the crowd this was no problem. Here on earth, however, inside the concert arena, it was very dangerous for everyone. It was lucky that no one had been struck by a lightning bolt yet. Now that he had stopped for a moment to greet Lalala, Eeeyoo Eeeyoo realized he was not in the Jamlands anymore. "This is a strange place" he said to Lalala. "Where are we and where are your sisters La and Lala?"

"Were in a different dimension on a planet called earth" answered Lalala. She then told him about their new drummer friend Cozmic Cat and what had just happened with the quantum storm. My sisters saved the stage and the people but our friend Cozmic Cat is lost in quantum space!" While Lalala continued explaining to Eeeyoo Eeeyoo what had happened , Cozmic Cat continued to fly across the universe getting further and further from home.
