Lizza Wuzza Lizard Wizard
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Wizard Lizard Catching Flys Illusration by Rick CLement

But before my daddy could finish his sentence Max had raced across the room and was standing right in front of us. To my amazement the Wizard Lizard was not afraid at all.

While jumping up onto the table he began to chant a magic spell. “Lizza Wuzza, Lizza Wuzza, Lizza Wuzza, Lizza Wuzza”. Then he lifted up his magic wand, pointed it at Max the cat and ... ZAP!!!

Bolts of lightning shot out from his wand and big bad Max the cat was transformed back into a cute little kitten.

Wizard Lizard holding up his staff and zapping Max the cat. illustration by Rick Clement
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The Silly Wizard Lizard • Copyright 2017 Rick Clement