Heading for the Intergalactic Inka Princess and Cozmic cat Story

Chapter 6 • Lost in the Black Hole

Jack in the Black is the name of the black hole neighboring Daizy’s galaxy. His gravitational force is so great that anything that comes too close is trapped, falling forever, spiraling downwards through empty space until they pass through the doorway to nowhere and continued to forever fall into nothing at all.

Jack in the Black had no mercy. Although he enjoyed listening to the music coming from Daizy’s galaxy next door, nothing brought him greater pleasure than bringing an end to anything that existed outside of his realm. Jack had often watched as the Band of DogZ chased the Space Bunnies virtually right up to his doorstep. By chance that day the Space Bunnies flew directly into Jack in the Black’s realm. Unfortunately for the DogZ they were not paying attention while Jack was always waiting.

While chasing Space Bunnies in the past, the DogZ had come dangerously close to the great spirits deadly grip. But on this day Jack had extended his reach. He laughed as the DogZ approached. Jack was overcome with exhilaration knowing that this time he would finally capture all three of the canines. Now he prepared to send the reckless creatures spiraling down into empty space forever. Jack knew that one day the Band of DogZ would come too close and this was that day.

As the DogZ chased the bunnies closer and closer to the black hole, they finally realized where they were. Then, at the very moment when the three canines began thinking it was time to turn back, they found out it was already too late. They had gone too far. Like a bolt of lightning striking in a flash, the great and powerful spirit stretched out his long dark claws and grabbed a hold of the DogZ.

“Going someplace DogZ! HA, HAA!” With great pleasure Jack in the Black laughed out loud as he tightened his grip around each of the DogZ. Twisting and howling wildly, the three thrust about trying to escape. Eternal anger raged within the canines as they began spiraling down into the darkness. Unfortunately for these pups no amount of anger or rage would allow them freedom from Jack’s gripping claws.

The great spirit screeched out loud with laughter. It was an evil laugh that seared through the universe chilling the hearts and souls of the guests at Daizy’s party.

“It has been such a long time that I have been waiting for this moment. I’ve been watching you for years!” Jack screamed in an evil voice. “Racing along my borders, chasing Space Bunnies, taunting me with your freedom and laughter. Now your going down!”

The three DogZ continued to bark and thrash about wildly. If it were possible they would have done anything to tear Jack apart. It bothered Jack that the DogZ never begged for mercy and that all they had was a single minded hatred and desire to destroy him. Even so Jack was filled with joy at having captured the DogZ. He knew that the only thing he would really miss was their music.

Back at the castle many of the guests at the party were talking about what had just happened. Although most of the party guests felt sad, they all believed that the Dogz had it coming to them. None of the guests was all that surprised.

Everyone was talking to alleviate their own fear. “Those DogZ were out of control...”, “It was bound to happen the way they chased those Space Bunnies around...”, “ Like nothing else mattered to them in the world ...”, “They were nothing but a bunch of reckless hounds...”.

Still the overall sentiment was one of sadness at losing the great music of the DogZ. All of the people of the Jamlands were taught from youth about the danger of the Black hole. They even had a song that they would sing at moments like this.

“There is no way your getting by him...

There is no way your getting by...

There is no way your getting by him...

There is no way your getting by...

Jack in the Black, Standing in the shadows

Jack in the Black... Stealing all the light

Jack in the Black, Standing in the shadows...

Jack in the Black...

You better learn how to fly ...

Before you kiss the sky!”

From a distance Cozmo saw all these events unfold. He had watched as Jack in the Black snatched each of his new friends out of the sky. Without thinking about the consequences, Cozmo took off as fast as he could to help his friends. Jack in the Black also watched Cozmo as he approached to help his friends the Band of DogZ. What pleasure Jack felt as he scowled aloud, “What a delightful day this has been. Three Dogz down and another victim on the way.”

Drawing of Jack in the Black reaching out to grab the Dogz
Chasing the Space Bunnies and forgetting where they were, the Band of DogZ flew straight into the hands of Jack in the Black.
Drawing of Jack in the Black grabbing two of the Black DogZ
Jack in the Black laughed out loud as he tightened his grip around each of the DogZ.
Drawing of Jack in the Black grabbing one of the Black DogZ
Twisting and howling wildly the Dog named Y thrusts about trying to escape.
Drawing of three Black DogZ falling into the Black Hole
“Now your going down forever Band of DogZ!” Jack screamed out loudly.

Cozmic Cat and the Intergalactic Inca Princess • Copyright 2014 Rick Clement •