Chapter 7 • Back on Earth
When the guitar fairies saw the drumming cat reappear on the stage they shouted out with joy. “Cozmo! It’s our friend Cozmic Cat.” Eeeyooo Eeeyooo flew over to meet the feline genius.
“Hi Cozmo, I’m Eeeyooo Eeeyooo. I heard you drumming and came to play along.”
“So happy to meet you”, said Cozmo. “Let’s finish this song and then we will all talk back stage.” The drum set finally stopped spinning and the song came to an end. Cozmic Cat announced to the crowd that it was time for intermission and they would be back soon.
“Ahhh... finally, time for a snickitty snack and a little catnap” he thought to himself as he headed backstage with his new friends Splash, Blast, Blam and Eeeyooo Eeeyooo the thunder breathing electric guitar dragon.